I began sketching and drawing as a child. In my late teenage years, I took a class in botanical illustration, which shifted my focus more closely to drawing plants and flowers. I feel fortunate to have been introduced to, and encouraged to explore, natural areas at a young age by my family and friends. Focusing my artwork on natural subjects provided an intuitive outlet for those experiences. Since that time, I have been inspired by natural areas throughout Minnesota, the southwest and Wyoming.
My work to date has primarily been in (graphite) pencil, usually focused on one or two plants in one image. When I am able, I prefer to draw local and native plants as they are found in their habitats. I strive to create a pleasing image for the viewer in order to engage their interest, but think that it is equally important to show the subject as it is; with realism, poise and complexity. In my artwork, I hope to capture a snapshot of how the subject interacts with its ecosystem and its pollinators or parasites. Flaws are necessary and always included. As I continue to develop my style, I intend to introduce more insects and animals into my artworks, and more color!
Suzanne is originally from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, where she grew up and attended school. She obtained her B.A. in History from the University of Minnesota. In her free time, she enjoys sketching, biking, hiking, traveling and exploring the North Shore of Lake Superior.
Stargazer Lily
Showy Orchids
Jack in the Pulpit